So, let’s start, Today I will discuss how you can decorate your custom Type to make it usable.
Step 1: Creating Custom Type with Conversion Operators
I will create my custom type “PercentageInteger”, this is a integer with special purpose as it can only have a value between 0-100.
struct PercentageInteger
public int percentage;
public static implicit operator PercentageInteger(int arg)
PercentageInteger pi = new PercentageInteger();
if (arg <>
pi.percentage = 0;
else if (arg > 100)
pi.percentage = 100;
pi.percentage = arg;
return pi;
public static explicit operator int(PercentageInteger arg)
return arg.percentage;
public static explicit operator bool(PercentageInteger arg)
return true;
Step 2: Explaning Convertion Operator
public static implicit operator PercentageInteger(int arg)
Obove line tells C# compiler that this “PercentageInteger” type can accept “int” as its value.
So we can use this Type as follows..
PercentageInteger per = 100;
public static explicit operator int(PercentageInteger arg)
Obove line tells C# compiler that “PercentageInteger” type can be Cast to Type “int”.
So we can use this Type as follows..
PercentageInteger per = 100;
int x = (int)per;
bool y = (bool)per;